Geek etiquette; Twisted Sprint; Geek conferences

Geek etiquette

<!—->Kirrily Robert<!—-> has a new <!—->Geek Etiquette<!—-> blog addressing questions like:

What about the etiquette of software forks, or how to address a room full of OSCON attendees?

Admittedly I’ll be following it for the same reasons she says that she reads old etiquette books (fascination with rule based systems, or in her case “useless trivia”) rather than out of a desire to apply new etiquette in my personal life. But we’ll see how that goes. I’m trying to think of some “Dear Skud” questions to ask.

Twisted Sprint

After a couple of weeks back and forth with the Twisted collective in Tasmania, we’ve announced a date for the Twisted sprint in Hobart: 1–3 April 2005.

Andrew and I are kind of divided about going to Hobart and then spending three days indoors programming before coming right back home, so it might be that we are disciplined morning sprinters, disappearing in the afternoons to see the sights.

Geek conferences

Over on linux-aus, Jeff Waugh is suggesting that’s date be fixed firmly in January, which raised some issues about what is the best time to lure internationals to the conference (probably the Southern summer because it’s cold over there in Elsewhere) versus which is the best time to lure locals to the conference (sort of up in the air: some people find it very easy to take leave in January, but other people have to fight the entire office for the precious January summer leave).

I feel a bit bad about putting my oar in actually because with four weeks of annual leave available to me and having suddenly acquired a whole bunch of holiday sports I find my annual leave is starting to be spoken for by snowboarding and diving (plus my family’s annual beach holiday) before the geek conferences get a look-in. I’m wondering whether this is going to be generally symptomatic of losing interest in geek communities after working a programming job all day. It’s too soon to know when the job is still tiring me out.