I started uploading photos taken in 2020 to Flickr on February 27, 2020, including these:

Later in 2020 it became A Thing to count every day as part of March 2020 (ie, today is the 1773rd of March, 2020), In that spirit, today is the 1775th, and also the last, day of 2020 in terms of my photo processing.
Fittingly, today’s final upload features these “2020 SUCKS” cupcakes my kids decorated on December 31:

2020 retrospective

More (and, December 2019)
By the time I was uploading my mediocre videos of heavy rain from January and February of 2020 (this one was uploaded in January 2024), it was becoming a little hard to remember why I was so excited about it.

March/April COVID-19 lockdown

Autumn, Japanese maple edition

Autumn, there are in fact other varieties of tree edition

Autumn, Auburn Botanic Gardens edition

Autumn, morning walk after rain edition

Winter rains

Blue Mountains getaway

Bay Run at night

Spring rains

Boxing Day storm