366 days / 1775 days

I started uploading photos taken in 2020 to Flickr on February 27, 2020, including these:

6th birthday cake Alice in Wonderland cupcakes

Later in 2020 it became A Thing to count every day as part of March 2020 (ie, today is the 1773rd of March, 2020), In that spirit, today is the 1775th, and also the last, day of 2020 in terms of my photo processing.

Fittingly, today’s final upload features these “2020 SUCKS” cupcakes my kids decorated on December 31:

2020 sucks cupcakes

2020 retrospective


New Year's Day, 2020

More (and, December 2019)


By the time I was uploading my mediocre videos of heavy rain from January and February of 2020 (this one was uploaded in January 2024), it was becoming a little hard to remember why I was so excited about it.

Rain at Victoria Rd and Darling St, Rozelle, time lapse


March/April COVID-19 lockdown

Adore Pharmacy Rozelle entry warning, March 2020


Autumn, Japanese maple edition

Backlit Japanese maple


Autumn, there are in fact other varieties of tree edition

Last light on autumn leaves


Autumn, Auburn Botanic Gardens edition

Backlit leaves

More, bonus snake

Autumn, morning walk after rain edition

Autumn leaves on windscreen


Winter rains

Wet leaves


Blue Mountains getaway

Backlit shrubs


Bay Run at night

City lights reflected, Bay Run

More, September at sunset

Spring rains



Boxing Day storm

Boxing Day storm front


2023 charitable giving: homelessness, justice, self-determination, climate

I like to share my giving in order to give folks who don’t know where to give, or who might be inspired to do their own research and start giving, even if not to the same organisations.

I have three of tiers of 2023 recurring giving. The largest level is organisations I have a longer history of giving to and more insight into their strategy. The next level is newer causes I am interested in or exploring. The final one is a “hat tip” level of donations supporting not-for-profit technology organisations whose technology I use a lot.

Larger donations

The Haymarket Foundation is a secular organisation focussed on people experiencing homelessness and disadvantage in Sydney. They specialise in complex homelessness (eg, people with mental health, drug use, or trauma), and we particularly value that they are trans-inclusive. My family has supported them in the past (eg at the start of the pandemic, and as their winter 2022 matching donors).

The National Justice Project, working for systemic change for asylum seekers and refugees, Indigenous people, and detainees, often through strategic legal action. They have advocated for offshore refugee detainees medical case (eg DCQ18’s pregnancy termination, child DWD18’s care for self-harm) and for an inquest into police inaction preceeding the murder of Indigenous baby Charlie Mullaley (if anyone has read Jess Hill’s See What You Made Me Do, Charlie’s terrible death is one of the central stories you may remember).

GiveDirectly Refugees which gives unconditional cash transfers to long-term refugees in Uganda. Unconditional cash transfers give people in poverty the power to decide what they need to spend money on in order to address their own situation. Australian donors can donate via Effective Altruism Australia to receive a tax deduction.

Note: I am not an uncritical supporter of Effective Altruism, see eg How effective altruism let Sam Bankman-Fried happen, Against longtermism, Effective altruism and disability rights are incompatible. I do specifically like the case for unconditional cash transfers.

Smaller donations

Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ACT: Aboriginal-led justice advocacy and legal representation.

Original Power, building self-determination in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, via a Giving Green recommendation.

Farmers for Climate Action, influencing Australia to adopt strong economy-wide climate policies with opportunity for farmers and farming communities, via a Giving Green recommendation.

Purple House / Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation. Late stage kidney disease is endemic in remote Australia. Purple House runs 18 remote dialysis clinics enabling people to get back to their country and family. It also offers respite and support while dialysing in Alice Springs or Darwin.

Hat-tip donations

Internet Security Research Group, who fund Let’s Encrypt. Let’s Encrypt’s free HTTPS certificates are securing the very page you are viewing right now.

Signal Foundation, who fund Signal messaging, I use Signal for secure communication with many friends and communities.


You may also be interested in the organisations my family supported at the start of the pandemic.

Green rock

April 2022

In utmost naivety, we expected the red centre to be only rock and red dirt. But the whole desert is alive with desert oak and spinnifex (andm if you are lucky, quandong), and Uluṟu in particular attracts and shelters water, and thereby, herds of ghost gum and zebra finches.

The wettest and the greenest is in the near permanent shade of the Mutijulu waterhole. People defecated on the rock when climbing was allowed; Mutijulu won’t be safe for human consumption for 20 more years.

Greenery at Uluṟu Rich green around Uluṟu Ghost gums at Uluṟu Dry grass near Uluṟu Ghost gum near Mutijulu waterhole, Uluṟu Rock face near Mutijulu waterhole, Uluṟu Marching upwards, Uluṟu

All photos.