Migrated away from Pinboard

I’ve migrated my online bookmarks away from Pinboard to LinkAce, which for my sins I am self-hosting at liber.puzzling.org. If you were following my bookmarks, here’s the updated links:

Various scripts and useful tidbits

  • Zapier supports LinkAce integrations, including for self-hosted instances, if you want to automatically add LinkAce bookmarks from any source
  • pinboard2linkace: LinkAce choked at importing all my Pinboard bookmarks (there were many thousands of them), so I wrote a Python script to migrate the remainder; for bonus points this script preserves the privacy settings of the links
  • LinkAce Privacy Lock: marks new LinkAce bookmarks private a number of days after creation
  • Pinboard Deleter: deletes all bookmarks stored in a Pinboard account. Ensure you backup / export your bookmarks before running this, Pinboard has a backup page, and the script itself will provide a JSON dump before it runs. An alternative to using this script is closing your account entirely.
