The road to Makauwahi Cave

Makauwahi Cave sign

It was slightly too hot for a comfortable walk, everyone was a little tired, the kids were grumpy. They wanted to go down to the beach, we didn’t want to slog back up the hill covered in red dust. And when we got down to the promised cave, it had shut for the day and we all had to turn tail and go home.

You’d think this would be difficult to forgive, but this made it possible:

Road from Makauwahi Cave

Road to the beach near Makauwahi Cave

Beach near Makauwahi Cave

View from Makauwahi Cave walk

View from Makauwahi Cave walk

Makauwahi Cave from above

View from Makauwahi Cave walk

Photos of Kauaʻi, January 2018 (in progress).

October 2015 photos.