payments (attention earlybirds)

Just spreading the word, since neither Andrew nor I received an email invoice for our registration: credit card payments for are now being accepted. (We did get the announcement, but previous conference experience—ACL, HCSNet—this year has unfortunately taught me that registration information is not sent out using titles like Countdown to 2007: 48 DAYS TO GO, those kind of titles now indicate to me we’ve updated the website! and now we have a directory of attendees!, ie, not action items. So, I didn’t actually read it. Oops.)

People who got the earlybird price (which closed Nov 15) must pay by December 8. You can also still register now and get the regular price, although as the announcement (also) pointed out, if you want to stay on campus in the pre-arranged accommodation, or you want to go to the dinner, register soon. (It’s unpredictable how full they really are, until they start re-opening spots that people haven’t paid for. But 450 attendees who haven’t put down money yet is still a goodly number when I believe the aim is 800.)