Remembering Nóirín Plunkett

Head and shoulders photograph of Nóirín Plunkett, a pale skinned white person with glasses and dyed pink and orange hair, wearing a white lacy blouse. They are smiling straight at the camera.
Nóirín in 2011, by Paul Fenwick CC BY

This article was originally published on the Geek Feminism wiki . It is republished here according to the terms of its Creative Commons licence, with a revised title and slightly edited.

Nóirín Plunkett (1985–2015, also known as Trouble Plunkett and for a few years as Nóirín Shirley) was a Apache Software Foundation VP, technical writer, public speaker, FOSS documentation contributor, and software and technology industry project manager. They died in July 2015.


Warning: not all memorials used Nóirín’s preferred pronouns: they/their/them.

Obituaries: Irish TimesMassachusett

External links

Internet Archive: Nóirín’s blog

Creative Commons License
Remembering Nóirín Plunkett by Geek Feminism Wiki contributors and Mary Gardiner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at