Oh for goodness sake

[Thieves] are targeting Sydney cars fitted with global positioning systems (GPS) which cost up to $1300… Superintendent Plotecki suggested drivers stick to an old-fashioned street directory.

Thieves zero in on easy money from GPS units

I suppose back when iPods and mobiles were the big thing in theft (as per the same article) Superintendent Plotecki would have kindly recommended that people stick to old-fashioned CD players at home and dial telephones. And when women are getting attacked after dark he’d suggest they stick to good old-fashioned chaperone policies provided by the man of the house… naturally there is one, this being old-fashioned land.

In other words, that’s just silly. Avoiding being a victim of crime is difficult and in some cases rather life-limiting. (See also: single women, never leave your houses after sunset.) This is one for the manufacturers of GPS devices: decide how to make theft less rewarding, if only by making small devices people can take out of the car with them.