Possible structures for a technical talk

Edited version of a private email I sent about linux.conf.au 2010 preparation, but not conference-specific. The email discussion led to me enumerating the kind of talks that I think you can give about technical subjects at a linux-conf.au-style (non-academic developer-oriented) conference.

Recitation of facts; or the architecture diagram talk

In this kind of talk, the speaker walks the audience through, say, the architecture of a project. The talk contents are dictated by the architecture. Five minutes on the input module, five minutes on preprocessing, five minutes on transforming into a new set of matrix bases, five minutes on postprocessing, five minutes on sanity checking, five minutes on rendering.

This is the most obvious structure for a technical talk. It’s also the driest structure. It is useful mostly for audience members who want to work on or with the project code, which is for most talks a small fraction of the audience. It best suits very major projects with years of cruft in their architecture and a wide potential userbase.

Insane hack adventure; or "hacking the Tivo", Andrew Tridgell, linux.conf.au 2001

In this kind of talk, the speaker usually talks about a project he or she personally undertook and structures it as a battle against the odds. So of course Y is the most obvious solution, although not trivial. So I tried Y for a couple of months. And then it turns out that the X protocol absolutely makes Y impossible for these reasons [dramatic pause] and at this point any normal human being would have given up, but I retired to a monastery for six months and returned refreshed and a lotus blossom I saw on my return inspired me to try Q…

This is probably the most effective structure for a technical talk and it’s surprisingly widely applicable (you can frame a lot of things in terms of here’s the current problem, here’s what you think the obvious solution is, here’s what happened when I tried it). The biggest limitation is that it’s very hard to do it about work you didn’t do yourself so it’s not available to all speakers. And you can misjudge it: so of course I tried Y says the speaker uh, Y is obviously dumb, why didn’t you go straight to Q? asks the audience (at some conferences, they might well ask it out loud, repeatedly). It doesn’t work for speakers who don’t have expertise (at least narrowly on this one topic) over that the audience has.

Demonstration of surprising ease

In this talk, the speaker proposes a task which sounds too formidable to complete in the talk slot. (Pretty much any task, for some talk slots.) They then proceed to show how it can be done despite the odds using their tool. Edward Hervey edited a video PiTiVi at linux.conf.au 2008. At OSDC 2008 Thomas Lee added a ‘unless’ keyword to the Python language.

This structure can be fun but it has a lot of pitfalls. Edward was continually battling to type while dealing with a handheld microphone. Speakers should recruit an assistant for these talks. The Python keyword talk was kind of fun, but it was also hard to follow: and now I am going over to this totally other tree and adding several lines to this other file at line 1099 and 1346 and is obviously required: he did not succeed in making me think I could easily edit the Python language. In all cases, it needs a decent amount of rehearsal: even more so than other talks.

Dropping of wisdoms

These talks are generally (at linux.conf.au anyway) talks about the social/community/artful aspects of coding. For example, Jonathan Corbet’s talk about how kernel hacking actually works in terms of the trees and maintainers etc at 2009. (One of Linus Torvalds’s bigger 2009 contributions was being in the audience for that talk and adding occasional commentary on his various prejudices.) Andrew Bennetts has had some good luck with a series of talks that began at OSDC 2008, in which he essentially lists every tool he can think of to help you make your Python programs faster. I didn’t see it but I would guess Paul Fenwick’s talk about awesome things you’ve never heard of in Perl was the linux.conf.au equivalent in 2009.

These are useful talks, the main pitfall is that they require considerable expertise over the bulk of the audience. Otherwise someone is just listing a bunch of stuff you do every day back to you. They also need to be about tasks or tools that a lot of people actually use or want to use. No one wants the hidden tricks to using libnousersexceptme.

linux.conf.au 2010 miniconf idea

I’m not taking on additional tasks for linux.conf.au 2010 (above co-chairing the presentation selection committee with Michael Davies) and so won’t run with this, but an idea for someone with more time on their hands: a FOSSCoach miniconf or co-located event. I’m not sure whether you can call it FOSSCoach precisely (or would want to, I dislike the FOSS acronym), but the idea is an event teaching people how to work on Free Software projects. It could possibly be extended into, say, editing Wikipedia. If anyone wants to do this, go for it.

The linux.conf.au 2010 call for miniconfs is out now and is open until July 17. linux.conf.au 2010 will be held from 18–23 January 2010 in Wellington, New Zealand.

The meaning of the word ‘healthy’

I’m not opposed to words having multiple meanings or even skipping around and settling on whole new meanings. As a matter of selfishness, I support polysemy, because my research field is lexical semantics. The more ambiguity, the better, say the ranks of computational linguists needing employment. And language change should be as fast as possible. No, faster.

Nevertheless, after a heated discussion around Health At Any Size/fat acceptance issues (see Don’t You Realize Fat Is Unhealthy? for one statement of what is up with that, note that I’m less competent to argue the merits than Kate Harding, or, possibly, you dear reader, so do your own research) I noticed one ambiguity that got in the way: the word ‘healthy’.

Here’s one definition: a person who is healthy does not have disease.

Here’s another definition: a person who is healthy is doing things correlated (or thought to be) with not having disease, or at least not developing further disease very rapidly.

And people slide around between these all the time, both as a matter of deliberate rhetorical strategy and as a matter of sloppiness. And there is thus some genuine confusion in which people almost slide right along from I work out three times a week to I will never die, or, actually, now that you mention it, age. Pretty much no one is completely healthy under either definition of the word, but best efforts under the second do not automatically make you healthy under the first (or vice versa). Nothing will. There is no magic bullet. As someone pointed out to me in an, alas, unquotable location, life, in fact, is something of an anti-magic bullet, in that the greatest risk factor for many diseases is age.

I think the biggest place this confusion happens is people saying I am so much healthier when they mean either I am so much fitter or I weigh so much less. Which becomes a problem when they actually think they mean I have less diseases now. Only possibly.

Suppressing Python 2.6 DeprecationWarning

Since Python 3.0+ is backwards incompatible (or, if you like, a new Python-esque language), Python 2.6 is enormously grouchy about announcing that everything under the sun has been deprecated. For example:

 $ python Python 2.6.2 (release26-maint, Apr 19 2009, 01:56:41) [GCC 4.3.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import md5 __main__:1: DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead >>> 

While this is very helpful for one’s own code, my email is now filling with warnings about how Twisted, Venus and several other libraries have deprecated elements (import md5 being a particularly common offender). There’s nothing I can do about that, and being warned hourly about some of them is therefore unhelpful. Here’s how you turn it off: call python with -Wignore::DeprecationWarning.

 $ python -Wignore::DeprecationWarning Python 2.6.2 (release26-maint, Apr 19 2009, 01:56:41) [GCC 4.3.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import md5 >>> 

As you can probably guess, by doing this you run the risk of your code failing to work with some future version of Python and you not getting much warning about it. But your inbox or error logs may thank you.

How to talk about Sally Warhaft and Robert Manne

There’s a lot of talk in various places about Sally Warhaft leaving her position as editor of The Monthly. I don’t have a novel substantive opinion on this: I’m a The Monthly subscriber (and I’ve therefore enjoyed Warhaft’s work), but not a writer or a left-wing socialite or a media insider. Wikipedia has a little summary of the actual story. That said, I have a helpful guide to talking about Sally Warhaft and Robert Manne (or Morry Schwartz) in the same text.

  • If you refer to Robert Manne as ‘Manne’, then Sally Warhaft is referred to as ‘Warhaft’, not ‘Sally’, because otherwise you come across as treating Sally Warhaft as if she was an intimate of yours and Manne as a professional when you’re presumably wanting to comment on her professional editorial work.
  • If you refer to Sally Warhaft as ‘Ms. Warhaft’ then Robert Manne must be ‘Mr. Manne’, not just ‘Manne’. Otherwise it sounds like you’re making a big deal out of Warhaft being a woman, which doesn’t seem to be a factor in the story, and even if it was, that’s not the way to make that point.
  • If you refer to Robert Manne with his academic title, ‘Professor Manne’, you should refer to Sally Warhaft with hers, ‘Doctor (or Dr) Warhaft’. I can at least squint and see the argument for this one: Manne has an academic position and Warhaft doesn’t, but it’s not as though her The Monthly position is totally divorced from her academic background either.
  • If you’re going to comment on Sally Warhaft’s physical presence, say, by coming out with something like she’s a whip-smart, willowy beauty, which makes her a great front for a lively mag, then here’s your line for Robert Manne: he’s a whip-smart, potent steed, which makes him a great front for a lively magazine.

Jaunty notifications

I missed the best known feature of Ubuntu 9.04 in my roundup, the new notifications. There’s lots of information around about this, see Mark Shuttleworth’s announcement, LWN coverage of development debate and Glyph Lefkowitz’s criticisms for plenty of information (Matthew Paul Thomas comments at Glyph’s place extensively).

I just want to pass on one tip, which is how to turn off notification of new messages in the Pidgin instant messaging client, because good grief, is that annoying. My typical use of IM is actually somewhat asynchronous, as in, I will flip over to it and check for messages periodically, chat a bit, do some work, and back. The notification workflow assumes I want to know about every message as soon as it arrives, which I most emphatically do not.

Other people of my opinion can configure Pidgin’s notifications by going to ‘Plugins’ and then looking for ‘Libnotify Popups’, which you can either configure to be less talkative, or disable entirely. In an ideal world that would be slightly more discoverable: I expected the configuration to be associated with the notifications, not with Pidgin itself, and certainly not with a plugin in particular.

Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope)

I didn’t do one of these for 8.10 Intrepid Ibex, I was a little worried to find not one but two links to my Hardy (8.04 LTS) beta writeup as reasons to be exceptionally cautious about upgrading. I discovered I did not want to be an influential commentator on Ubuntu, even for trivial values of influential.

However, I should note in the interests of fairness that both Intrepid and Jaunty have been vastly better experiences. Specifically, things that seem to remain reliably working across upgrades for me without requiring reconfiguration now include suspend and resume, sound, wireless and external monitors. I have not found Jaunty less stable than Intrepid and both are fine for my terminal+mutt+Firefox+LaTeX+Python+Pidgin use.

Fixed in Jaunty:

Still broken in Jaunty:

  • gnome-typing-monitor still doesn’t regard being suspended or hibernated as a typing break. This one is one of those bugs that gets triaged as ‘Low’, never gets fixed, and drives me completely insane, There is nothing like starting up to get some work done and immediately being locked out for a typing break. It’s bug 122038 against Ubuntu, bug 492662 against Debian and bug 430797 against GNOME. It’s nearing its second birthday. I might throw it a party and then never use gnome-typing-monitor again.
  • In both Intrepid and Jaunty I have occasional kernel panics resuming from suspend (I don’t know about hibernate, I use it extremely rarely because my install of Ubuntu 7.10 gave me a swap partition that is too small to hibernate into unless I close all interesting programs, and I haven’t bothered fixing it). I should attempt to file this bug, and I will get around to it any, uh, release now. The main thing stopping me is that it often happens when I resume on a train, which means I don’t have ‘net access, which means keeping copious notes for a later report, which means no report. Besides, I don’t think I’d ever seen a kernel panic before Intrepid. The novelty is wearing off, but only slowly.

Newly broken in Jaunty:

  • OpenOffice(!!) on my laptop dies consistently on launch with the warning unable to get gail version number. I have tried and failed to find an existing bug for this: there are a few isolated reports, either marked as fixed or useless conversations that end with oh never mind, I made a stupid mistake and now I’ve fixed it. (Dear Internet: always specify how.) There’s bug 350193 but it seems to require pasting some specific data into OO Calc, whereas I don’t even get to the stage of having a window open. OpenOffice works on my university desktop though. I’ve filed bug 365763.
  • Empathy, generally, although it falls into this category by default since I’ve never tried to use it before. I can’t get it to connect to any instant messaging service at all. I haven’t been motivated to investigate enough to file a bug report, because it doesn’t appear to support what for me is a key feature of Pidgin, namely, ability to have profiles where I connect to some IM accounts but not always all of them. (I also consider having to have several IM accounts in the first place something of a bug. With the universe.)

I don’t know the status of my very annoying bug in Hardy whereby whenever I adjusted the screen brightness downwards via the keyboard, my Ctrl key got virtually ‘stuck’ down. (So, for example, if I pressed ‘w’, a window would close, and ‘d’ would terminate programs.) Daniel Stone even kindly offered to look into this one for me, but shortly afterwards I poured hot chocolate all over my laptop and now the down arrow doesn’t work. I can’t try and reproduce this unless I finally get off my butt and get a new keyboard. And thus do promising bug reports vanish into nothing.

Plus, a bonus tip for people who use rdiff-backup. rdiff-backup is rather fiddly about version numbers, which is not a great attribute in a backup program, since you should be able to backup between two systems that aren’t running exactly the same version of rdiff-backup, Python, Ubuntu or anything else. (Quoth Martin Pool: I use duplicity as a workaround.) However, if you’re like me and your precious rdiff-backup backup regime took days to set up and you’re not doing it again for a while, Andreas Olsson points out that he maintains a PPA of the latest version of rdiff-backup for all supported versions of Ubuntu except Dapper, which is sufficient for my purposes at the moment.

Ada Lovelace Day wrap 3: new discoveries, among other things

Lest you worry that I am counting my posts before they’re hatched, a final Ada Lovelace Day 2009 wrap-up post. As should be evident from the many posts I’ve made, I hugely enjoyed this initiative. I especially enjoyed stories of women who barely or never knew their inspiration nevertheless gaining a lot from just knowing that someone else was out there.

I originally intended this final Ada Lovelace Day wrap post to be about five new women I had discovered through browsing the blog entries. But eventually it became five posts that spoke to me most, from outside my usual Internet haunts. You get two new discoveries, one rediscovery, one blast from the past, and one crack in the techno-utopia.

Number one comes in under the I should have heard of her category: Roberta Williams, Sierra On-line co-founder, and the brains behind the King’s Quest games among others, including Phantasmagoria. All games I never got to play, because I spent the latter half of high school reading about computer games in year-old gamer magazines rather than playing them. (We had a 486 my parents bought in 1993, when it was already past its prime, so from 1995 to about 2000 I was distinctly un-game-enabled. This explains the weekend long binges of Diablo II in 2000 though.) Williams was profiled in many places, see Happy Ada Lovelace Day at The Chaliceblog and Women in Tech: R. Williams for two profiles.

Number two is Shirley Jackson, theoretical and materials physicist, advised during her undergraduate years that colored girls should learn a trade, now president of Rensselaer Institute of Technology after a career spanning MIT and Bell Labs among other places. As with Karen Spärck Jones, one of the best profiles is by someone who has interviewed her, see a lab of their own.

Jackson was understandably reluctant to dwell too much on the pain and injustices of the past in our interview, and I hated having to even ask such questions — basically amounting to, “So, um, what’s it like to be black, and a woman, at MIT in the 1960s?” (Answer: not a hell of a lot of fun!) In a fair and just world, this would simply not be relevant; but we do not live in a fair and just world. So I asked those questions — awkward, embarrassed, stymied by white liberal guilt, and resenting the questions on her behalf — and Jackson graciously answered, choosing her words carefully, gently setting the neophyte science writer straight on a few things about life as the ultimate “Other” in physics.

Honestly, I was impressed by her lack of bitterness. It had to have been lonely, not to mention discouraging. One of her professors actually advised her that “colored girls should learn a trade.” Jackson didn’t take that advice, but she did acquire some measure of perspective by volunteering (in her copious spare time — not!) at Boston City Hospital’s pediatrics unit, to better “understand what real trouble is.” And she kept at her studies, because “If I give up, what have I done but allow the other guy to win?”

There’s another profile at Ada Lovelace Day: Dr. Shirley Jackson.

Number three is a woman whose name I knew. My eleventh year high school mathematics classroom was about 75% girls, of about twenty of us perhaps in the 3 Unit class. (A twelfth year extension to that, 4 Unit, was offered to a subset of the class: six of us, four girls and two boys, which meant we took extra classes in the mornings as well as the 3 Unit classes. I was more than a full year too young for that class, but I was put in it partly just because I could and partly because my own year wasn’t going to have the numbers for me to take a 4 Unit offering.) My teacher was used to having majority girl classrooms at the high ability end of high school mathematics (he never did really understand why), and tried to encourage us by having a poster on the back wall of well-known female mathematicians (of whom I recall three: Hypatia of Alexandria, Sophie Germain and Emmy Noether).

I was making up for being the baby of the class and the top of it by also trying for the trifecta: also being the most obnoxious person in it. I was sadly unobnoxious, for a fifteen-year-old, but I claimed it was hardly inspiring to know that in all of mathematical history there had been six women mathematicians. But I survived and live to tell, or at least link to, the tale of Emmy Noether, by Laura: Of honorary men. I was struck by this post touching briefly on several interesting issues: Noether’s being proved to be important because famous men thought well of her, the emphasis on her ‘eccentricities’ which probably aren’t terribly striking when you evaluate her by mathematical social standards and not early twentieth century female ones, and Laura’s friend failing to understand that ‘practically a man’ is not a unmixed compliment.

For the fourth post, a woman I know of intimately, in fact, but she gets a mention here because I had come close to forgetting her. John Gunders wrote about Isaac Asimov’s fictional creation, Susan Calvin: Ada Lovelace Day: Susan Calvin. In my rather extensive but admittedly not completionist teenage survey of Asimov’s fiction I read a lot of the Susan Calvin/US Robotics stories. The authorial treatment of her gender is irritating even when it’s not as explicit as in the Liar! story Gunders talks about, irritating enough that I could have cogently critiqued it at fourteen. But in some ways, it was useful. It’s more than a little annoying that Calvin is not really particularly happy, and that the author treated this as the price of admission for her career, but nevertheless, the fact that given the (not entirely false, but artificially stark) choice, she had gone ahead and chosen her work every time, was educational.

The final post I wanted to highlight is not about an individual woman in technology at all, it’s about the use of technology by abusers. Ada Lovelace day – empower the women!:

In a recent survey of 479 [domestic violence] victims aged 15-74, 25% of those had their browser history monitored. 24% had been repeatedly threatened, insulted or harassed by email. 18% had their email monitored. Did you see those numbers? At least 1 in 4 victims had technology used against them as a tool to continue abusive patterns.

I asked around and searched around after this and indeed anecdotally domestic violence survivors I’m acquainted with have often had their technology use monitored and used against them (or been suspected/abused for wanting to use it at all). I am not surprised, as such, but it was something that I was privileged to have not regularly thought about. (My previous contact with it has mostly been around the issue of the strong norm of using one’s legal name when interacting with the Free Software community. The number of people — I think all of them are women — who have major hesitations about this norm due to wishing not to be traced by a former stalker or abuser, is around about ten, and of course that’s just people who have become comfortable enough to reveal this in forums I read.)

There are several guides around the web to using computing resources safely when wanting to discuss or planning to escape an abusive relationship: National Network to End Domestic Violence: Internet and Computer Safety [USA], Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence: Internet Safety [USA] and Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria: Tip Sheet: Technology Safety Planning [Australia].

Ada Lovelace Day wrap 2: Karen Spärck Jones elsewhere

Yes, this does mean that a third of these things is coming, but I wanted to point to some other profiles of Karen Spärck Jones, aside from my brief one. At least at the present time, she’s on the first page of most profiled Ada Lovelace Day subjects. I was really pleased to learn more about this inspiring scientist.

Martin Belam has a long profile quoting extensively from Spärck Jones’s interviews and speeches and focussing on both her own career progression: she worked with Margaret Masterman at the Cambridge Language Research Unit. “You have no conception of how narrow the career options were [for women],” is one of Belam’s quotes. Another one of her stories reminds me of more recent stories Pia Waugh has told me about the resistance of parents playing a role in girls not choosing computing careers (these days it’s apparently the perceived low earnings and limited career prospects of programmers from the point of view of ambitious parents, so at least something has changed):

We were trying to get at girls in schools [to take up computing] and we knew we had to get to the teachers first. We found that the spread of computing in the administrative and secretarial world has completely devalued it. When one of the teachers suggested to the parents of one girl that perhaps she should go into computing the parents said: ‘Oh we don’t want Samantha just to be a secretary’. That’s nothing to do with nerdiness, but the fact that it’s such a routine thing.

Bill Thompson was a student of Spärck Jones’s, and writes about her influence on him as a fellow philosopher turned computer scientist. He also wrote her obituary for The Times (and, in 2003, that of her husband, fellow computer scientist Roger Needham).

IT journalist Brian Runciman remembers Spärck Jones as the most interesting woman he’s ever interviewed in Computing’s too important to be left to men. (I think it’s very important to get more women into computing. My slogan is: Computing is too important to be left to men. seems to be Spärck Jones’s best known quote.) In the interview with him, she talked about how her ideas permeate modern search engine implementations.

She scored smaller mentions from:

Ada Lovelace Day wrap: the usual suspects

I use the usual suspects here in the sense of folks in my feed reader. Over the next couple of days I am going to look around more of the posts and pick out a set of favourites, focusing on women I’ve never heard of. In the meantime, here’s the closer to home wrap.

I was profiled in a couple of places: by Jacinta Richardson in Ada Lovelace Day (with several others as described below), by Julie Gibson, the founder of Sydney LinuxChix, in Mary’s Random Curiosity and in one private post.

Here’s profiles pulled from my feeds, hopefully you find something and/or someone new.

Seen on Free Software planets (undoubtedly incomplete):