This article originally appeared on Geek Feminism.
You may have noticed that Geek Feminism has been regularly down this month displaying errors about “503 Service Unavailable”. We sure have. We’re working with our host to try and resolve the issue; hopefully we’re on our way. We wanted to let you know that we have noticed.

While we’re here, if you’re interested in following our new posts on Twitter, we’ve unfortunately lost access to our former Twitter handle @geekfeminism: you can now follow @GeekFeminismOrg.
Finally, this is itself an open thread for comments on any subject fitting our policy!
About open threads: open threads are for comments on any subject at all, including past posts, things we haven’t posted on, what you’ve been thinking or doing, etc as long as it follows our comment policy. We’re always looking for fluffy, fun, silly, cute or beautiful open thread starters, please post links to Pinboard or Delicious with the “gffun” tag.
I’ve been pondering mathematics disabilities, and looking at them from a queer perspective. I’d love to hear what y’all think of my theories, and/or hear your experiences when it comes to mathematics classes. My paper on the topic is on my website. Also, I’m putting together a working group for a math education conference on “queering, en-gendering, and trans-forming mathematics/mathematics education” if anyone is interested in that topic and would like to participate – the details for that are also on my website.