I’m going to post a short series of entries on LaTeX packages I found useful while preparing the examination copy of my PhD thesis. Largely this is just so that there’s a reference if my wiki page goes away, but also because I think many people use LaTeX the way I use it, that is, I got wedded to a bunch of packages 10 years ago and never really looked around for more recent stuff.
Today’s entry is a pretty slow start: the bibliography packages I used are pretty standard.
This is one of the most sophisticated and widely used packages for Harvard-style references (ie, “(Surname, Year)” rather than “[1]” style references).
usepackage[round]{natbib} bibliographystyle{plainnat}
Inside your text use citep for a reference in parentheses “(Surname, Year)”, and citet for a in-text reference “Surname (Year)”. Its important to note that the plain cite command is equivalent to citet, which you may not expect.
You can use citeauthor to get just “Surname” and citeyear to get just “Year”.
This is a useful add-on to natbib, which allows you to insert full bibliography entries into the body of your text. This is useful in the declaration portion of a thesis (where you say something like “this thesis incorporates revised versions of the following published articles”).
usepackage{bibentry} nobibliography*
Then later on when you want to insert a full bibliography entry into the middle of your text: