At the moment I’ve heavily involved in three user groups meeting monthly, Sydney LinuxChix, SLUG and the SLUG Python Interest Group. I’m doing a fair bit of LinuxChix stuff too: maintaining a few webpages, running a few mailing lists, running a C course. I’ve honestly started to feel a bit burned out being solely responsible for two of those user groups.
At OLS, apparently the people at the LinuxChix BOF were surprised that LinuxChix had been publicised so little. Sometimes we worry about it being publicised too much, but:
LinuxChix, a community aimed at women Linux users. See our technical, political and social mailing lists. Friendly men are welcome. If you know a woman Linux user who would like to be part of a women’s Linux community, please point her at LinuxChix.
I joined the Mailman developers list because I was rather enthused by their TODO list. Shame so much cool stuff is already in 2.1beta, really 🙂
Next stop is ‘cvs co’ I guess.
I’m much more enthused about coding now that I’m six months out of a comp sci degree.