Finis; Energy; Free Software


I graduated for the first time yesterday (B Science and B Arts). Graduation number two expected this time next year (B Science (Honours)). Honours thesis due Nov 11.


All my creative energies are being sucked into university work. In some ways it is good that academic work is requiring writing, editing and coding from me, but in other ways it is sad, since it leaves me drained.

Free Software

My involvement continues to be community based. Still on SLUG committee, still involved in LinuxChix, still running the (tiny) local Python Interest Group. My HOWTO Pay for Free Software is slowly improving and is near version 1.0.

I am so pleased that after years and years of waiting, my coding skills have reached the point where I feel confident reading and repairing other people’s code. This bodes well for Free Software development in the future, but I’m trying to keep a lid on avenues of prostratination this year. I have constant struggles with procrastination, motivation and guilt which I am trying desperately to resolve, and alas, I’ve decided that stepping back from the keyboard after hours is likely to be part of the solution.