LinuxChix miniconf @ 2008 and other events

Last year I ran the well received (and fun) LinuxChix miniconf at 2007 which spawned AussieChix among other things. Melissa Draper is running a second LinuxChix miniconf at 2008 (January in Melbourne). Melissa has the website up and the Call For Presentations out (closing October 15). Be excited, be very excited!

Another women-in-computing event currently has a Call For Participation in circulation: the Women in Open Source event at SCALE, February 8ā€“10, 2008, Los Angeles (CFP, closes 30th November).

A women’s unconference is also coming up: She’sGeeky, October 22ā€“23 2007, Mountain View, California. If you dig a little though you’ll find that there’s a USD125 registration fee though which is high for an unconference.