After much, much too long, I’ve finally stopped hosting on a custom CMS that only I was using. It’s now on WordPress.
I’ve owned the domain since 2000 and this is the first time it hasn’t been run on code I wrote myself, even though my enthusiasm for maintaining the software that ran it disappeared at least five years ago. However, so did my enthusiasm for migrating it, so the code had to soldier on for a bit.
This is the final piece of a (slight) simplification of my web presence that’s been ongoing for about that same five years. Here’s the rundown:
- is my professional website
- remains the home of my personal “online diary” (it was a couple of years old before I even heard the word “blog”) and also of the kind of content that used to appear at All the content from has been imported.
- is my parenting diary, separate partly for tone and partly for historical reasons (I had a lot of childfree-and-child-bored ‘net friends at the time V was born, not so many now…)