Syndication, aggregation, and HTTP caching headers

Syndication, aggregation, and HTTP caching headers

I’ve seen various people in various places lately who were very unhappy about someone requesting their RSS feed every 30 seconds, or minute, or half hour, or whatever, and re-downloading it every time at a cost of megabytes in bandwidth. I’ve also seen people growing unhappy with the Googlebot for re-downloading their entire site every day.

So, a quick heads-up: there is a way for a client to say “hey, I have an old copy of your page, do you have anything newer, or can I use this one?” and for the server to say “hey, I haven’t changed since the last time you viewed me! use the copy you downloaded then!” Total bandwidth cost: about 300 bytes per request. That’s still a bit nasty for an ‘every 30 seconds’ request, but it means you won’t get cranky at the 10 minute people anymore. Introducing Caching in HTTP (1.1)!

The good news! Google’s client already does the client half of this. Many of the major RSS aggregaters do the client half of this (but alas, not all, there’s a version of Feed on Feeds that re-downloads my complete feed every half hour or so). And major servers already implement this… for static pages (files on disk).

The bad news! Since dynamic pages are generated on the fly, there’s no way for the server software to tell if they’ve changed. Only the generating scripts (the PHP or Perl or ASP or whatever) have the right knowledge. Dynamic pages need to implement the appropriate headers themselves. And because this is HTTP-level (the level of client and server talking their handshake protocol to each other prior to page transmission) not HTML level (the marked-up content of the page itself), I can’t show you any magical HTML tags to put in your template. The magic has to be added to the scripts by programmers.

End users of blogging tools, here’s the lesson to take away: find out if your blogging software does this. If you have logs that show the return value (200 and 404 are the big ones), check for occurrences of 304 (this code means “not modified”) in your logs. If it’s there, your script is setting the right headers and negotiating with clients correctly. Whenever you see a 304, that was a page transmission saved. If you see 200, 200, 200, 200 … for requests from the same client on a page you know you weren’t changing (counting all template changes), then you don’t have this. Nag your software developers to add it. (If you see it only for particular clients, then unfortunately it’s probably the client’s fault. The Googlebot is a good test, since it has the client side right.) An appropriate bug title would be I don’t think your software sets the HTTP cache validator headers, and explain that the Googlebot keeps hitting unchanged pages and is getting 200 in response each time.

RSS aggregater implementers and double for robot implementers: if you’ve never heard of the If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since headers, then you’re probably slogging any page you repeatedly request. Your users on slow or expensive connections hate you, or would if they knew the nature of your evil. Publishers of popular feeds hate you. Have a read of the appropriate bits of the spec and start actually storing pages you download and not re-downloading them! Triple for images!

Weblog and CMS software implementers: if you’ve never heard of the Last-Modified and/or ETag headers, learn about them, and add the ability to generate them to your software.

Plausible facts

Chris Yeoh made an attack on Wikipedia, inserting false facts into a new article and seeing if they’d be removed. See also Rusty Russell who considers this vandalism, and Martin Pool who thinks that this isn’t telling us anything we didn’t already know.

It made me think a little about defences already in place against this kind of thing. The biggest concern, I think, is not a misplaced fact somewhere, but the run that kind of fact can get through followup literature. For example, in early editions of The Beauty Myth Naomi Wolf claimed, with a citation, that 150 000 American women die of anorexia every year, which is in fact false. (150 000 was approximately the number of sufferers not deaths.) This is useful to bibliographers of a forensic inclination because tracking your mistakes is an excellent way to narrow down the number of sources you could have got your figures from, but not so useful to, say, anyone else. However, at this time, it isn’t of spectacular concern to Wikipedia: anyone who gets a fact from Wikipedia that would be useful in a publication will double-check it as they would any fact from so general a source. (Surely?)

Imagine the following attack on Wikipedia: I go to an article, say, the Canberra article, and find somewhere to insert this fact:

The number of women cigarette smokers between 15–25 in Canberra is 20%, considerably lower than the Australian national average of 35%.

Of course, I’d have to be a little bit cunning to insert this fact into the existing article, because it doesn’t contain any facts about the population, let alone such precise ones. But assuming I could do that, it would make a plausible if boring addition. It would also be, as far as I know, false. While I think I’ve got the number of female smokers Australia in that age group right to within about 5% (it got a lot of press coverage about five years back, because other demographics aren’t smoking in anything like those numbers), I’ve got no reason to believe that Canberra deviates from the norm in any way.

What harm would this do? Well, it’s possible a bunch of kids would copy it into their school assignments on Canberra (you poor little things, Canberra?) and get caught cheating, less because the fact is wrong and more because no kid puts that kind of fact in an assignment that they aren’t copying wholesale. University students doing assignments on health statistics might get done in by Google, although who knows, if they actually cite it they might be in the clear.

So that’s fairly minor harm. The potential major harm is in reducing the reliability of Wikipedia as a source to the extent that all that work is wasted or that people write off collaborative non-fiction of this kind as impossible. I contribute to that harm by a very small amount in this particular case, but quite a large amount if I had an axe to grind against Wikipedia and decided to be smart about hiding my identify and insert 1000 of the things into different articles. With 20 friends to help I could do a lot of damage.

Internet software has a particularly bad case of a similar problem: there is a large and powerful group of people who are very interested in abusing your software for a number of reasons; ranging from being able to commit fraud using your computer to attacking some IRC server whose admins kicked them off.

Wikipedia has less of a problem because false information in it has less marshallable power: you have to wait until nebulous social factors pick up the information and start wafting it around rather than being able to tell your virus bots to go out and memeify. Hence attacks on Wikipedia tend to be the insertion of spam links taking advantage of its Google juice (well, I presume they get them, Wikitravel sure does) and presumably edit wars between authors rather than determined attempts to undermine it.

The only real reason to insert subtly false information into Wikipedia is that you like being nasty or maybe to put it a different way, you honestly believe that “insecurities” in social systems are just like insecurities in software systems, and you’re on a crusade to ‘re-write’ society so that the kiddies can’t hack it. Or to be generous, you want to give Wikipedia a chance to show that it can defend itself, although applying the “what if everyone did that?” test doesn’t make that look so good either. (Societal systems will to break down once a critical point of disorder is reached, and since the fix for this is hardly trivial, the “doing them a favour by demonstrating flaws” argument doesn’t hold nearly as much water as it does for attacks on software.)

Anyway, given that, I thought I would consider it in the light of other heuristics for asserting facts: print heuristics, to the limited extent that I know them.

Take for example my first year university modern history course. As a rule of thumb, you don’t assert facts without justification in a history essay. Almost every declarative sentence you write will be accompanied with footnotes showing where you got your facts and arguments from. There is the occasional judgement call to make, because a sufficiently well-known fact doesn’t need citation. (To give examples on either side of the line: the fact that the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand occurred on the 28th June 1914 would not require citation, but casualty figures for the battle of the Somme would, and an argument that the alliance system in Europe made WWI inevitable would require a small army of superscript numbers.) Given that though, you exhibit your sources, you check your sources where your argument relies on them (ye, unto the tenth generation) if you don’t want to get caught out, and the worth of your argument rests on the authority of your sources.

That did actually matter in first year by the way: the most common mistake made in WWII essays was sourcing Holocaust information from the web, which apparently — no, this isn’t a story from personal experience — means you run a high risk of relying on Holocaust-denying websites. (The alternative is that those essays were all by young Holocaust deniers, but given the number of people whinging that the course was insufficiently Marxist I think my classmates’ ideologies lay elsewhere.)

Now authority gets murky and geeks want the numbers here. But secretly, as Martin Pool points out, “humans are cunningly designed to do trust calculations in firmware” (yes, even people who trust their conscious mind more than their firmware). You can also see Dorothea Salo on heuristics for evaluating source reliability.

Of course, encyclopedias have different standards, because otherwise you’d get a bibliography that stood twice as high as the encyclopedia stack. (Less of a problem on DVD or the web, mind you!) I believe the system is that they rely more directly on authority: rather than sourcing the article’s facts from authority, you get an authority to write the article. Wikipedia can’t go this way, so they are left with two choices for establishing authority: have a really good reputation and a bunch of caring people, or more citations.

Citations are my secret shame, by the way, once you get used to following them and discovering interesting background information you get addicted. I wouldn’t say no to more citations on Wikipedia. (Take Franz Ferdinand for example — since we all knew I had to look up that date in a couple of places — “[n]o evidence has been found to support suggestions that his low-security visit to Sarajevo was arranged […] with the intention of exposing him to the risk of assassination” huh? Well, it would be interesting to read about who made the allegations and about the hunt for evidence, yes?)

Compare the issue of fact checking in software.

Although it has been argued (not, I think, by Eric S. Raymond, but by people extending his “many eyes” argument) that security problems in Free Software ought to be discovered very quickly because of sharp eyed people reading the code, bug reports tend to be inspired by the code not doing something you want it to do. (Except in the case of Metacity, which I think would need to display an obscene and anatomically implausible insult to me whilst running around in the background deleting all my files after emailing them one-by-one to my worst enemy before I’d believe I’d found a bug in it.)

This is a similar problem to that of finding dull smoking statistics inserted into Wikipedia by attackers or simply by authors who got their facts wrong: the less your bug displays itself to non-hostile people in the course of their usage, the less likely it is to be reported. It’s even worse, in fact, because while I can’t see any real reason for hostile people to search Wikipedia for false facts aside from saying “hah, take that insecure Internet, back to the World Book!”, there are a lot of reasons for hostile people to search for holes in your software.

I think the argument for relying on authority is less good too. Being an authority on history involves having mastery of an enormous number of facts and a considerable number of arguments, together with a nose for intellectual trends, some good mates, and a lot of cut-and-thrust. But while code authorities write a lot of code, and understand a larger amount of it, they don’t by and large earn their status in a competitive arena where their code is successful only if other people’s code is wrong, incomplete or doubtful.

This has considerable advantage in production time, as anyone who’s familiar with existing tools intended to introduce proofs of correctness knows. However, I think it has a minor cost in that there’s nowhere near the same incentive to engage with and criticise other people’s code, unless you’re a criminal. Of course I know that there are code auditors who aren’t searching for criminal opportunities, however that the professional incentive for everyone to do it is lacking.

And in some ways, Wikipedia also lacks this professional incentive. In a volunteer project rather than a cut-throat professional world where everyone is fighting for tenure, the incentives for fact checking are less. It’s essentially reducible to the old problem about getting people to write documentation: you can pay them, you can hurt them (this is how you get people to report bugs) or you can make it sexy. Ouch.

Idle notes

Idle notes

An interesting thing about time zones is that they’re stuffing up my web surfing habits. Because I read a lot of stuff written in Europe and the US (I was going to say ‘disproportionate amounts of stuff’, but given where the English writers of the world live, not so), and I’m used to it all being written over night and then doing all that reading during the morning.

Now that I’m in Spain, I’m actually 1-7 hours ahead of most of the writers, so I have to wait all day for their content to dribble in. I prefer the Australian setup.

What I’ve been working on

Precious little, much of it Wikitravel, which is sort of silly, but sort of not, since it’s still pretty hot in the middle of the day in Palma.

What I should be working on

  1. Updates to the Twisted Labs website pending the 2.0 release.
  2. A report for Diego.

Rants; Curiosity


  1. Wiki markup is great if you only have to learn one version of it. However, there isn’t only one version of it, many wikis have their own subtly different form. I don’t know why this is upsetting me, I already know about five text markup formats, what’s another few matter?
  2. Switching hosting providers always lands me with a worse hosting provider. Now that I’m down to 70 or 80% uptime, I’m considering settling.
  3. Every serious Free Software Thinker in the world can tell you why they hate every Free(-ish) creative work licence out there. The only two licences that anyone seems happy for creative people to use are the GPL and the BSD licence. Everyone understands code licences and they are good, what hey?
  4. Advice sucks. I’m considering adopting a personal philosophy involving only giving people advice in times of an immediate life threatening emergency. I am failing badly.
  5. I should never have promised that I’d work on my holiday.


Why are people so keen to pass on GMail invites? I don’t recall constantly being asked if I wanted a Livejournal account back in the days when those were invite-only. I keep looking at the invite spooler though; there’s something about the graphs. Andrew was really disappointed that they weren’t selling them, because he had a Buy-Sell graph nostalgia attack on seeing it.

Questions your conference website should answer

This article was originally posted at in 2004.


This article gives a list of questions that your conference website should answer, if it is to attract speakers and participants who are unfamiliar with the jargon. Most conference websites do a good job of answering some of these questions, but many go unanswered.

This article is inspired by discussion on the LinuxChix mailing lists over the past couple of years about speaking at conferences; specifically, discussion about how to encourage people to make their first ever talk proposal.

One problem with almost all Free Software conference web sites is that they aren’t very helpful to a novice speaker. One participant in the discussion recollected reading that she would need to send in a "paper" if her talk was accepted and asked what would be required of the paper. Was it an article? How long did it have to be? How did it have to relate to her talk? The only response from the organisers pointed her to mbp‘s (excellent) article on getting a conference abstract accepted, which, alas, helped her not one bit in finding out what it meant to send a paper if her abstract was accepted.

Many Free Software conference websites assume a lot of background knowledge of the conference process. This assumption is a strange one: many Free Software developers work outside academia, and if they were ever inside it, never got to the stage where conferences become part of academic life. And the Free Software conference procedures are subtly different from academic conferences in ways that aren’t obvious, mostly because Free Software conferences are generally more informal events than academic conferences. People used to the peer review process may not be sending in abstracts because they’re used to a very high workload of writing and revision for each conference.

In other words, your conference might a first conference for a lot of people — some of whom are qualified to speak. You need to write parts of your website assuming that potential speakers and attendees know very little of the conference process. This is doubly important since conferences vary in lots of respects: do they pay for travel? are they for users or developers?

Simple general questions about your conference.

Almost all conferences websites answer these simple questions already.

  1. Where is your conference?

  2. When is your conference?

    Give times as well as dates when answering this question, so that people know to book an extra night’s accommodation if your last event finishes at 8pm.

  3. What is the target audience of your conference?

    Are you focused on a particular project, are you a general Free Software conference or a tech conference accepting talks related to Free Software?

  4. Would a user of Free Software benefit from your conference?

  5. Would a developer of Free Software benefit from your conference?

  6. Would a Free Software advocate or someone involved in community projects (like LUGs) benefit from your conference?

Questions everyone wants answered

Many conference websites are doing a good job of answering these questions somewhere, but not all are.

  1. How can I get to your conference?

    It’s worth listing the airport, train station, and bus station nearest your venue and giving some idea of the carriers that travel to that station. If you’re not in a city with a major international airport or transit hub, it’s also worth suggesting a hub for people to travel to, and then a route to your location.

  2. Any visa tricks or traps in your part of the world?

  3. Will international attendees need a visa? Will it need to be a tourist or business visa? Will they need a letter from the conference organisers to get their visa (this is not unheard of)? Will they need to have anything to present to border officials?

    Something conference organisers in the US in particular are apparently still neglecting is this fact: if you are not a citizen of a country whose citizens the US will admit without a visa, it can take months to get a visa to enter the US and it requires considerable time spent gathering documents and visiting consular officials. Accepting speakers closer to the conference will result in your international speakers being unable to come. If your conference is elsewhere in the Americas, it is important to warn attendees that even transiting through a US airport now requires a visa.

    Similarly, visitors to Australia are frequently shocked to find out that the Australian government has no visa waiver program, except for citizens of New Zealand. Nor are the US and Australia the only two countries that trip visitors up with their entry regime.

    In most cases, being denied entry to a country will require your attendees to immediately return home at their own expense. If your conference website addresses the basics of getting permission to visit your country and points to the relevant authorities, you can avoid a lot of pain for them.

  4. What sort of accommodation is available nearby and what is the approximate cost?

    Some conferences are doing excellent work organising conference accommodation. Even if your conference isn’t doing this, you could provide pointers to a few types of accommodation nearby: budget hostels and mid range hotels will be the most useful for your attendees.

  5. What kind of social events are you holding during the conference?

  6. If I bring partners, family members or friends who won’t be attending the conference, is there anything they can do or see while I’m at the conference?

    Free Software conferences tend to be slightly bigger events in the lives of their participants than academics ones. Frequently, attendees combine a big conference with a holiday, and might want to bring their family. Kudos to 2004 for providing activities for partners and family members who didn’t attend the conference.

    A few more questions: Is the conference providing any kind of childcare? (I’ve never heard of that happening.) Is there short term childcare in the area? Can family members too old for daycare attend the conference social events?

  7. What’s there to do in your area?

    A not insignificant number of attendees will want to combine your conference with a holiday, or at least with some sight-seeing, or a visit to the pub. Give them some information about your area. Link to tourist web sites and nightlife guides.

    Something I’ve very rarely seen done which would be extremely useful is a list of restaurants that are likely to be able to serve large groups of people at short notice late in the evening. Everyone who’s been at a few conferences knows the experience of trying to take fifteen people out to dinner in a strange city.

Questions attendees want answered

There’s going to be even more neophytes amongst your potential attendees than there are among your potential speakers. Try and put yourself in the position of your greenest attendee: has an interest, heard your conference would give him or her an opportunity to meet some hackers working on interesting stuff, but has never ever been to a conference. Aim your attendees section at them: a little extra info won’t hurt anyone else.

  1. What kind of talks can I expect to see? What will their topics be? How long will they be?

    It’s a good idea to get your program up as early as possible. If nothing else, attendees have the same or even more difficulties organising transport, accommodation and visas as speakers do, so you should make it possible for them to decide whether or not to attend as early as you can.

  2. How much will your conference cost for attendees?

  3. Can I get any kind of discount for being a student, unemployed, young, old etc?

  4. Can I volunteer to help out in return for cheap or free admission?

  5. Are there any sources of funding for attendees?

Questions potential speakers want answered

Now to the problem of neophyte speakers. For this section, imagine someone who has some experience speaking to groups, but nothing of abstracts, or proceedings or anything like that. There’s no reason this person can’t speak at your conference, so don’t make it hard for them to submit a talk proposal. In particular, don’t make your talk proposals or the talk process sound any more mysterious or difficult than they actually are.

  1. What do all these words mean?

    Explaining what is expected from an ‘abstract’, a ‘paper’, a ‘presentation’, a ‘tutorial’, a ‘workshop’ and a ‘BOF’ are is crucial if you use those terms. Not only do some people not know them, but they vary reasonably widely by conference anyway.

    Providing links to abstracts and papers from previous years is invaluable if any are available. You might wish to draft a sample abstract or paper if you cannot link to previous papers. If not, you should certainly describe requirements in detail. Place the links prominently with the call for papers.

  2. What kind of talks or presentations can I give? How can I tell which one I should give?

    The answer to this question should provide detail. For each type of talk, specify the length, the size of the audience, and the expected depth of the content if you can. Is it going to be a lecture, or interactive discussion, or something in between? Will most speakers be using slides, giving demonstrations, or running a Q&A session? Are speakers going to be showing the code? What kind of knowledge level can the presenter expect from the attendees? Are the attendees going to be peers or are they going to be people new to the topic? Are there any different "tracks" devoted to different topics?

  3. How do I get a talk/paper accepted?

    When answering this question, be detailed. Provide approximate word lengths for abstracts (or papers if you require full papers at this stage). Specify what kind of information needs to go in the proposal. And then tell people about the process: when do they submit? how (roughly) is their abstract going to be judged? when will they hear back from you?

    Ideally, you would give examples of a few accepted abstracts here, with a short discussion from the selection panel of what made those abstracts appealing to them.

  4. If my talk is accepted, will I still need to pay the admission fee for attendees?

    Norms on this vary: conferences where most attendees are also speaking will often not waive the admission fee for anyone. Be very clear about which way you’re going with this.

  5. If my talk is accepted, will you cover travel and/or accommodation expenses? Will you cover international travel?

    Be very clear about the limits of what you can cover. It’s very disappointing to have a talk accepted and then find out that the organisers can only pay for local attendees, but not for international flights.

  6. If my talk is accepted, will I receive any payment above expenses?

    I’ve never heard of a Free Software conference doing this, but as there are other conferences which may do so, and some of your speakers might come from that kind of world, best to disappoint them early.

  7. What do I need to do once my talk is accepted?

    If you’re asking speakers to provide papers, describe whether you need slides, recordings, or written articles from accepted speakers, together with any administrative extras like due dates for the final paper. Describe any editing processes that will take place.

    Your answer to this question should be detailed. It should explain what you require from a full paper (if you require one) including length and format. How should the paper relate to the talk? How formal should the paper be? If it doesn’t matter, say so. If its optional, say so. If all that is required is a talk, say so. All this talk of ‘papers’ is scaring people. To many first time speakers, especially ones with a passing acquaintance with the academy, a "paper" sounds like something bristling with citations and withstanding the full force or peer review. If what you’re actually doing is getting people to send you their slides tell your speakers this.

    On the other hand, if you are a fairly formal conference hoping to attract Free Software developers outside the academy, you will probably want to link extensively to style guides and citation guides for your potential speakers to use. You will need to assume that they are not familiar with the peer review process also (and it varies enough within academia anyway), so give a detailed guide to it.


If you’ve tried to answer these questions as you went along, you probably answered "well, it depends… small conferences can’t pay travel… Free Software conferences don’t focus on citation so much…"

This is precisely the reason your conference website and publicity needs to answer simple questions like "what do you mean ‘paper’ anyway?" The answer varies. Some potential speakers will submit anyway, and assume they’ll hear from you if they don’t do something. Judging from the discussion that inspired this article, others will not.

Further reading

This article formed one part the basis of the OSDC FAQ, which has other questions that conference websites might want to answer.


Thanks to Jenn Vesperman, Telsa Gwynne and Terri Oda for input into this article.

Creative Commons License
Questions your conference website should answer by Mary Gardiner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu Linux

Since Ubuntu Linux has just had a public preview released (ISOs here if the download page still has broken links when you read this) I thought I’d comment on, well, whether or not you’d want to use it.

Point of view: I’m a professional software developer (computer science oriented) with enough sysadmin capabilities to run a home or small office non-critical network. So I’m not your mother or father or whoever it is in your life you use to gauge “is Linux ready for the masses yet?” by. On the other hand I’m notoriously unlucky with hardware and I hate low-level system configuration (like PPP config files) and every time Linux makes me learn a new gotcha these days I get cranky. I have my little tools (mutt, vim, Firefox) that I configure endlessly, but everything else just needs to work.

So with that in mind, here’s why you might like Ubuntu if you’re someone like me (obviously, if none of this applies to you you’ll need to rationalise it yourself):

It’s Debian-like. It has apt, aptitude, dpkg. Its universe Archive even has Debian main in it, pretty much. (Technically you aren’t meant to Debian sources too, but I’ve been sneaking contrib and non-free in.)

Except it’s going to be released every six months. You will have noticed that that is not how Debian works by now.

It has GNOME 2.8. It is apparently going to track GNOME releases fairly closely in following releases too.

The installer is not yet pretty, but it is simpler. Mind you, Debian’s will be soon too. But this installer is pretty step-by-step.

X will be configured for you. Well, most likely it will be. It was for me. And wasn’t that lovely after endless years of being asked for my horizontal sync ranges or whatever they are, and never once, during that time, having anyone ever give me a monitor manual.

Some other nice things for me personally were: having the ipw2200 firmware in the kernel distribution; having the first user given sudo access and being put in all the right groups automatically; and… actually I think the rest of it is GNOME 2.8 stuff, like having sftp:// URLs work.

In summary, if you’re a desktop Debian user, particularly a GNOME user, Ubuntu is worth looking at.

Stuff that’s wrong with my laptop; Python-centric distro

Stuff that’s wrong with my laptop

For the record (my record):

  • wireless card (ipw2200) seems to lose connectivity after a certain period of use, never fixed by a module reload, occasionally fixed by a full reboot;
  • irssi + screen + gnome-terminal have a well known (informally) bug where they “turn the screen blue” instead of rendering properly, occasionally fixed by detaching and reattaching screen;
  • irssi + screen + gnome-terminal have a little known bug — I produce it regularly if not deterministically on multiple machines, noone else has ever heard of it — where the “turn the screen blue” bug also causes gnome-terminal to immediately chew through about a minute’s worth of CPU time (causing, as a side effect, my fan to spin up and laptop to heat up noticably); and
  • sound doesn’t work yet, although having two devices show up in gnome-alsamixer, plus two mics, is confusing me.

For fairness’s sake: yay X autodetect, yay, yay, yay!

Python-centric distro

Got a semi-targeted mail from the people who allege they have no name to me in my capacity as maintainer of the defunct Sydney PIG. Glad most distros don’t do that. It’s the old universalisation problem: if everyone did it, it would definitely be a problem.

Projects that want your loving; Laptop

Projects that want your loving

In the beginning of what is probably a highly intermittant series, two projects you could be writing for: Wikitravel and Open Guides. Wikitravel is a pretty regimented project: it’s meant to be a comprehensive free online tourist guide. It is fairly patchy at the moment: New York City has relatively poor coverage. Open Guides is a collection of wikis about particular cities and has a looser idea of what on-topic might be: you can write about local politics, by way of example.


Yeah, got one. It’s a Fujitsu Lifebook S6210. Apparently these guys can be nasty little pieces of work to configure X on, but Andrew thinks that having a standard screen ratio might stand me in good stead, and that I won’t actually have to patch X to get a full sized display.

I’m still running Windows on it: as I am a Ubuntu beta-tester, I think I am obliged to download their newest CD release and test it. Andrew provided me with said advice.

I went to 5th Avenue (yeah, I know it’s the most expensive retail space in the world by square foot but it also was the most reliable place to find shops in New York I could think of off-hand) for it and accidentally spent four hours walking around fuelled only by fruit trying to avoid seedy computer vendors who called me "baby" and advised me that John Kerry is gay. My criterion was that I wanted to leave with the first sub-5.5lb laptop (imperial measures are like the US dollar — if everything is quoted in them, I might as well think in them) I could find in my price range. What a hunt that was. This baby is below 4. It is so light I could throw it at people.

Laptop redux; Twisted

Laptop redux

Thanks to people who’ve made comments about this mess over the past few days. Apologies for negativity. I seem to have confused everyone with this, so:

Why I’m having difficulty buying a laptop from any one of the billion online retailers: either they explicitly state that they don’t take international credit cards at all; they don’t allow the entry of any but US billing details (although Kelly Martin points out that they may not actually check details of international cards); or I can’t set up all the things I will need to pass the credit checks they will run for such a large transaction. The standard list of things I would need to be able to do would be something like: provide them with a number for my credit card issuer; answer the home phone listed by my credit card issuer (which is in Australia and would be answered by a confused German PhD student these days); and ship the package either to my home in Australia or to an "authorised shipping address".

It’s also possible that my bank or Visa would try to contact me independently to confirm a transaction of such uncharacteristic size.

I could set this stuff up, but I can’t do it quickly enough when I’m leaving the US after a week and staying in two cities during that time.

Why I’m having difficulty buying a laptop in person: because I’m staying in cities I’m totally unfamiliar with (and in the case of Boston, I’m mainly seeing people who have only lived here for a short time); I don’t have a car here, or lifts; the US doesn’t seem to have a reliable Yellow Pages equivalent; I don’t have reliable access to phones; and most physical stores don’t have webpages (Australian computer stores seem better at this, actually). Hence, I have difficulty finding out what they have in stock without somehow getting myself to their store.

In the end, since the last paragraph is shorter than the one about credit checks, I will undoubtedly end up buying one in person. It’s just surprising that it’s been so hard to actually find the union of a laptop I want and a retailer who can sell it to me.


I have a couple of things to get out of the way (buying a laptop to work on, finishing some work that I promised to my former employers in Australia about a week ago). After that, my plans for the rest of the holiday involve doing writing in the mornings.

At this stage, that will primarily be Twisted documentation, although given my track record, doing that will cause other projects to spawn spontaneously.

Hell is an IBM retailer

IBM seem to have a good deal happening with their Think Express program — it looks like one of the better ways to get a thin-and-light notebook. And there’s lots of them around at the unending number of online retailers.

Unfortunately, I can’t for the life of me find one that will accept a non-US billing address. US delivery address I can do, but my Visa card has an Australian address, and there’s not a lot I can do about that on short notice. I do need, of course, to give them an accurate billing address, because otherwise they will refuse to bill the card.

But of the fifteen or so online retailers I checked, only one allows you to enter a non-US country for your billing address, and it does that only to inform you that they do not ship internationally yet.

IBM itself may be an exception, if they use the same billing software for every part of their site, but I can’t tell because the cheap models they advertise as ‘ship today’ can’t be ordered, because when you click on them they tell you that the order code isn’t found.

There seem to be about forty computer retailers of various sizes in Boston, only about three with websites, and if I had a car I’d just visit them all. If I had a phone I’d call them all. But unfortunately I have neither, and Boston isn’t compact enough for me to visit more than four of them on foot before I leave (nor did I imagine that was how I’d spend my time here). IBM’s website ‘find a business partner’ function is currently broken.

Why everything is so ready to stop me spending money, I don’t know.