Pub crawl

There was a whole lot of references to beer in the survival guide. So it concluded last night with a pub crawl.

I met more people, mainly from Perth, including mtearle, who realised at some point that I was “the strange person who knows Adrian [k]…” It turned out he’d seen my webpage and …

If Advogato let you calculate degrees of separation there wouldn’t be enough to make it interesting.

Sunday 21 January 2001

Thanks schoen. I’ve read a little bit about hexaflexagons in James Gleick’s Genius, a biography of Richard Feynman.

Unfortunately, they sound something I’d give to someone I like.

New Year’s Eve

… was substantially less painful than the closing ceremony fireworks. Mainly because I wasn’t at Circular Quay, I was at Balls Head. On a narrow rock ledge with a fifteen metre drop to the harbour. That you had to do some dropping and squeezing to get to.

As a result, had one of the best views of the harbour known to humankind.

Merry Christmas…

Merry Christmas…

… to certain proportions of the Earth.

Never ever…

… give your nearest and dearest software for Christmas. Especially games. Otherwise you’ll be posting to Advogato waiting for video drivers to download on Christmas morn, oh yes you will…


USyd has a subject called Programming Practice which was examined today. I guess I shouldn’t really have been answered the nasty question about function overloading, with inheritance and templates and so on, by guessing, but g++ told me later I guessed right 🙂

This year was meant to focus more on Programming Practice (duh) than the intricacies of C++, but the intricacies of C++ it was, and so be it.


Added links for Perl, Python, Finance::Quote, GCC, OpenOffice, MySQL, PostgreSQL and PHP.

It’s getting to the stage where it needs to be re-organised, CVS-ified (there are a couple of people who ought to be able to modify) and script-ified.

This will happen after exams.

Buglinks; Life


Added a small number of links to Head over there and add your project’s bug reporting site to the list. (Well actually, wait for me to add it… hmm.)


My grandmother died early Friday morning after a week in hospital. It was really really strange. I had somehow subconsciously gotten the impression that people didn’t die suddenly anymore, other than by accident – I thought they spent years and years in hospital and then died…

For the first time since I left home, I’m really really homesick.

Certification (and Nomic); The Dish

Certification (and Nomic)

Thanks schoen. Probably I don’t deserve Journeyer in any field due to the Nomic game – its run over email and the list hasn’t worked for two months. That’s a summer job! I have considered trying to automate the Nomic game actually – but it involves modifiying certain rules, some of which are immutable (we play off the initial ruleset, and haven’t gotten rid of immutable rules). I think possibly a new games could start off a mod_virgule base though…

The Dish

I’ve heard the true story jamesm links to before – someone currently working at Parkes spoke about it in an interview on Radio National. He didn’t sound as nonplussed as the Honeysuckle Creek person did. I think Honeysuckle Creek had the moon walk all to themselves too – Armstrong’s decision to walk early meant the moon was below the horizon at Parkes. That certainly doesn’t happen in the movie 🙂